Home Pujas

What is Puja?
Revealed by the ancient sages, puja is the science and art of invoking and honoring the living presence of God. The Sanskrit mantras and practices of traditional puja come to us from the Vedas, Puranas and Tantras. The main goal of puja is the offering of our loving devotion to the Lord of our heart. Puja awakens divine vibrations and aligns us with cosmic forces, bringing peace, solace, sustenance and happiness into our lives.

Special puja offered on your behalf
Kali Mandir’s monastic pujaris, Swami Bhajanananda or Swami Ambikananda, who are trained in the technical nuances of Hindu ritual, perform most special pujas.
These sacred ceremonies, performed either at Kali Mandir or in your home, take approximately one and a half hours and include:
Kalash sthapana—establishing the Divine Presence within a sacred vessel.
Ganesha puja—worship of the Remover of Obstacles
Navagraha puja—worship of the nine planetary deities
Lakshmi puja—worship of the Goddess of Auspiciousness
Ishta/kula devata puja—worship of your personal and/or family deity
Homa/Agni Hotra—offerings into the sacred fire
Puja performed at Kali Mandir
Special worship can be performed at Kali Mandir on your behalf, or on behalf of your loved ones in the presence of the awakened deity of the Divine Mother, Ma Dakshineshwari Kali. Puja is an auspicious way to celebrate important events in your life or simply to invoke the blessings of God in your and your family’s lives through devoted worship. If you are not present during the puja, we can send you some sacred ash from the fire ceremony. The typical donation for a puja performed at Kali Mandir is $108.
Puja performed in your home
Performing a puja in the home brings the blessings of the Divine to the household. The sacred mantras and rites of traditional worship remove negative energies and fill the home with a tangible presence of auspiciousness. Having a puja performed in your home is an ideal way of blessing a new home or commemorating a special event in your life. Home pujas also include special rituals designed to bless the family and home. Kali Mandir’s pujaris generally perform pujas only in Orange County and the surrounding areas. The typical donation for a home puja is $151.00. We request that you provide the wood, ghee, flowers and food offerings.
(Upon request, these can be held via Zoom.)
For more information or to request a puja
Please e-mail Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati at Bhajanananda@KaliMandir.org.